This paper details a two-stage approach to DC-DC converter design that increases the input voltage range without sacrificing efficiency for applications that require a wide input range or have significant transient or voltage surges.
This paper describes a pin-out design for high amperage converters (60+ Amps) that require two sets of output pins. The design minimizes voltage drop and power dissipation, resulting in an optimal solution for the customer.
This paper demonstrates the performance and reliability advantages of using a DC-DC converter that is constructed with no baseplate.
This paper demonstrates how synchronous rectifier based DC-DC converters provide more usable output power without a heatsink than do the conventional, Schottky diode based converters with a heatsink.
This paper explores the substantial cost savings associated with using a high-efficiency DC-DC converter. These savings include reduced electricity consumption, smaller requirements for AC-DC power supply and battery backup as well as less need for fans, cooling systems and real estate.
This paper details the product's performance improvements and technical differences while answering common questions about compatibility and part number changes within the Power Qor family of DC-DC converter modules.
Download this file to input your own DC-DC converter values and cost assumptions that are outlined in the High Efficiency Pays white paper. This spreadsheet allows easy customization of the savings analysis to fit your specific conditions.